ACM brief – “The War in Ukraine and the Western Balkans”

For the sixth issue of our ACM Briefs, published in May 2022, we would like to introduce a study on War in Ukraine and Russian action towards Western Balkan. These policy briefs are a part of the bigger project funded by the Balkan Trust for Democracy (GMF) and USAID, aimed at providing laser-sharp insights into the political and social trends in the region, strengthen dialogue, present concrete policy recommendations regarding pressing international and security issues in the Western Balkans.

Policy Brief gives an overview of how Russian war in Ukraine can affect the Western Balkans. Russia is exploiting Moldova, Georgia, and the Western Balkans as potential new avenues to undermine Europe where Russia resorts to its well-known playbook of exploiting existing divisions and exacerbating secessionist tensions. The war in Ukraine also has an impact on the Western Balkans and the West should look for early warnings in the information space, as they are good indicators of Russia’s moves. Understanding these operations is essential in shaping an appropriate response from the West. That response must actively challenge and counter Russia’s information operations in the Western Balkans.

The complete Brief is available here

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ACM brief – “The War in Ukraine and the Western Balkans”
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