Kentera and Balogh: Good cooperation between NATO member states is the key

Dr István Balogh, Deputy State Secretary for Security Policy and Political Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, together with his delegation members, met with the President of the Atlantic Council of Montenegro, Dr Savo Kentera and his team. On that occasion, they discussed the mission and projects of the Atlantic Council of Montenegro, activities that it implements through its three centers and future challenges.

Delegation also visited the Digital Forensic Center whose mission is a fight against disinformation and strengthening of the society’s resilience to this increasingly common phenomenon. They stated that the elections which will take place next year in Montenegro and the region will be the ideal target for malicious foreign influence and that the DFC is facing a year full of hard and devoted work to suppress it, i.e. to reveal it. When it comes to this phenomenon, they pointed out that a good cooperation between NATO member states is of a key significance.

The meeting was a great opportunity to establish agreement on a future cooperation and on exchange of experiences and expertise with Hungarian institutes which engage in similar issues. As it was concluded, strengthening of a cooperation is crucial.

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