Kentera for RTCG: The Accession Protocol of North Macedonia with NATO contributes to the stability of the whole Balkan region

Speaking about the significance of the signing of the Accession Protocol between the Republic of North Macedonia and 29 NATO member states, the President of the Atlantic Council of Montenegro, Dr. Savo Kentera, said that “the event in Brussels is a historic moment for Macedonia, as well as for the whole Balkan region“. He stated that “it is not only beneficial to Macedonia“, but “it also contributes to the whole Balkan region, the stability of the Balkan region, the security of the Balkan region.“

Equally, the President of the Atlantic Council of Montenegro, Savo Kentera, emphasizes that „when it comes to stability, we can also expect the inflow of investments from the West. More specifically, the sustainable long-term investments, which is also reflected in the case of Montenegro.“ He also pointed out that the accession of Montenegro to NATO created „stronger inflow of direct foreign investment.“ 

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Kentera for RTCG: The Accession Protocol of North Macedonia with NATO contributes to the stability of the whole Balkan region
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